When your got problems in Windows 7 or another, one possible tool that is Task Manager. This is designed to provide more detailed aggregation programs and processes running on the system. However, no Task Manager, really give the full picture when it comes to running processes. For example, if you suspect that the DLL is the root of the problem and wanted to know to find out what DLL module using a special process?
For the purposes of aggregation is required, Shell Crapps panel to display the command prompt and swallowing TaskList utility lines, along with a few basic parameters. However, working with Command Prompt Crapps intentions quite boring. So I created TaskList gadgets, which automates the task list command.
Use Task List Gadget
Task List Gadget running Windows Sidebar in Vista desktop and Windows 7 on a piece of equipment TaskList, floating menu options, as shown in Figure A. Only the features you want to eat at the top and claimed the OK button. Task List panel gadget to open a command prompt and run the command with a task list specific options. For more aggregation most Crapps choice hover your mouse over the description to go. You also Crapps task list above? analysis framework.
When sending a certain discount Gadget TaskList prompt window, supply the difference is to win, is shown in the window. If you want to bet online offer, certainly superior to command-line analysis before saying OK Show.
After you download taskList_gadget_package.zip, Chatt All that contains two files:
* TaskList.zip
* Gadget Readme.doc Tasklist
Just above the two files in the folder and select Rename TaskList.zip enter TaskList.gadget. Make sure you hit the Windows Explorer, go to the extension for the organization. (The journalism of opinion and say Folder Options box, clear Hide extensions for known file types to pass the table). If not, the system can still be hit enter to identify as a group. Zip, but it seems to have affected the length of the name. gadget.
To continue, follow the steps appropriate for your Windows edition.
Windows Vista
1 Click in the sidebar TaskList.gadget spent the Windows Open With submenu.
2 Sidebar Windows - Security warning box saying: Set absolute.
Gadget will TaskList Windows Sidebar, you will be ready for use.
Windows 7
1 Right-click on the Open TaskList.gadget to a higher order.
2 In the open air with talk, Superior Windows Desktop Gadgets really OK.
3 desktop gadgets - security warning box says, install the total.
TaskList gadgets Windows 7 desktop be ready for use.
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